Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Clarify this Blog Please ... OK!

Previously I spent so much time on other blogs. Because I have many blogs for updating, I don't have much time to spend for all of them fairly :) Actually I should consider which unique content I will put for each one. For example, blog A is for being my diary while blog B is for posting technical stuffs. I planed to clarify this issue after finishing PHD (in next 3 years at least) hahaha!

The question annoying me is why I have many blogs. I still cannot find a right answer. Well! firstly I though I should register many places for trying their features. The second answer (and might be the last one) is that I want to register only my pen name "javaboom" for many famous sites however this active blog cannot be pointed at javaboom.blogspot because of reserving by others.

Now let me clarify the content for this blog. I'm going to post entries like a diary book. That's why we call a web blog (blog) because it is used to log our life. Although my English skill is suck, I post them in English. Why not? I wanna share my life with people around the world.

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